How secure is your site? I feel uncomfortable providing my personal information?
Of course, you should know that we protect the privacy of our customers information and will never share your data with any third party without your permission. For more information, please review our Privacy Policy.
We use the strongest 256-bit SSL encryption for all information transfers, the same connection banks use
We also store all of our data on servers in a secure facility
That is a great question and one of the main reasons why we created our app ANNUITY LOGIC™. So many times there are inconsistent opinions on the type, product and amount one should have. We eliminate that problem by using advisor DNA blended with intelligent algorithms to deliver consistent, unbiased advise and recommendations. This way you can always feel good about the choices you have made.
Purchasing annuity and insurance products require "acts of agents", which means there will always be a requirement to speak with a live, licensed and qualified agent to complete a transaction. Don't worry though, we've spent thirty years perfecting this process to make it as simple, time-sensitive (around 15 minutes) and painless as possible. Of course, if you need help…we'll be ready when you need us.
Follow the "wizard" process by answering all questions to generate a solid recommendation
Choose the product or products recommended
Register with a user name and password as a free member
Choose a time and date to schedule a meeting with a licensed professional to review your purchase
If I open an account, is it possible to change my mind?
The short answer is yes, of course. However, like with all accounts - financial and otherwise, there comes a point in time when changing your mind may come with a cost. For annuities and insurance products, the free-look period can be between 10 and 30 days depending upon the company and jurisdiction where the purchase was made. If you have any question on this, your representative will be able to provide specific details as they typically apply to your state of residence and specifics related to the account type itself.
Will I be dealing directly with the insurance company or an agent?
Our agents and advisors are the intermediary between you and the insurance company. However, it is important to note that while your advisor is aware of the overall financial circumstances behind the recommendations made, all of the companies we work with make themselves available to service the account itself.
Us of course, we are here to answer all questions and make the ownership experience perfect in every possible way. Think of us as your personal concierge when it comes to the service of all financial products we provide. Also, as mentioned above, should you not be able to reach us for whatever reason, the companies who supply the financial accounts you may have are always there to help.
Is there an additional cost involved when working with your firm? Is there a fee?
Depending upon the type of products and services we perform for you there may be a fee (listed below). However, when purchasing traditional annuity or insurance products…at this time there is absolutely no fee for working with our company or representatives.
We provide a wide array of specialized and strategic financial services for our clients. Tell us how you would like to connect, so we can learn more about one another. We're ready...